Photo by Pavol Štugel

Raising kids with Down Syndrome is not easy, but it provides much satisfaction for parents who love their kids.

Lynda Drake, author of The Power of Imperfect Parents, knows all about what parenting kids with Down Syndrome feel like. She is the mother of three beautiful children, all with different labels like autism, ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), Down Syndrome, severe allergies, depression, mood disorder, and anxiety.

Love drives parents to always be their kids’ best provider and father or mother. Today, we’ll look at some helpful life hacks parents can utilize. These will aid them in taking care of their wonderful and special kids.

What Is Down Syndrome?

A newborn with Down Syndrome was born with an extra copy of chromosome 21. The additional chromosome is linked to a child’s slower physical and mental development and a higher chance of health issues.

The health issues and physical characteristics associated with Down syndrome might differ greatly from kid to kid. While some children require extensive medical care, others have healthy lives.

Down syndrome, commonly known as trisomy 21, is an occurrence that is unavoidable, unpreventable, and unrelated to whatever a parent either accomplished or did not do. Fortunately, numerous tools are available to assist children and their families, and health issues can be effectively handled, especially when discovered early.

Helpful Down Syndrome Parenting Tips

When raising a child with Down Syndrome, it’s easy to think there’s not much to it. However, that is the farthest thing from the truth. Caring for and raising a kid with Down Syndrome is not easy. You’ll be facing lots of challenges that will quickly weigh you down.

Fortunately, parents and guardians can do some life hacks and tips on their house. Let’s take a look at some of them.

• Don’t Spend Too Much Time Watching the TV

Learning involves multiple senses. The inactive state that results from watching television hinders children’s language and eye muscle development. When raising kids with Down Syndrome, activating all the senses works best.

Parenting kids with Down Syndrome takes much time and effort, but it is worth it. Take it from a mother’s guide for helping kids with Down Syndrome.

• Push That Tongue In

Push the tongue in right away. The tongue hanging out is a sign of inadequate muscle control in children with Down syndrome. It doesn’t seem promising, and it can make speaking very difficult.

A dangling tongue hampers the capacity to talk. Put that tongue in and wash your hands. Your child will eventually get the concept.

• Give Your Unconditional Love to Your Special Kids

Offering your unconditional love can be more difficult than doing the hard work for our special needs child. This one is very self-explanatory as well, so we won’t be saying much about it. What you should deeply keep in mind here is that as a parent of a special needs child, you will have to provide unconditional love for them.

• Engage In Talking to Them Frequently

Culture is a language. Through communication, language enables us to comprehend and adapt to our surroundings. A kid can develop into a fully developed individual with language by using it to express wishes, pose questions, and make observations.

• Always Expect the Unexpected

Just because someone told you that a kid with Down Syndrome will sit there like a lump unless you provide stimulation doesn’t mean she will do the same. Should you become too complacent, kids with Down Syndrome can quickly slip past your defenses and do something.

• Turn On Some Music for You and Your Child

A wide range of music gives a child a broader understanding of the world while presenting various sensations. Music has the power to uplift or calm. Dance helps children’s motor skill development. Your child’s balance, coordination, endurance, and strength will all improve via dance.

Raising Kids with Down Syndrome By Applying Special Needs Parenting

Parenting kids with Down Syndrome might not be the easiest work there is, but it is an endeavor that any parent will do. Children with Down Syndrome deserve all the love their parents, families, loved ones, and strangers can give.

We encourage you to purchase Lynda Drake’s book, The Power of Imperfect Parents, and read about another parent’s feelings and experiences.

Don’t forget to read some of our other blogs as well and learn the value of taking care of a child with special needs!

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